Approach to Health

Dr. Beil takes a holistic approach to health, informed by the philosophical principles of naturopathic and Chinese medicine

The overall most important principle of holistic health is balance.  This includes internally balanced levels of the various blood markers, hormones and neurotransmitters within your body.  It also means external balance of the different aspects of your life: family, career, relationships, personal time, life stresses, and environment.  Dr. Beil's primary focus is to help you achieve harmonious balance, inside and out. 

We are all complex beings.  More than just a body that needs tune-ups and repairs, we are a combination of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects that form a complete whole. In order to achieve true health & well-being, each of these areas must be supported.  Dr. Beil takes the time to understand these different aspects of you in order to help you reach total holistic health.

Just as a mental or emotional illness can have a biological origin, very commonly a physical illness can have a mental or emotional cause.  Definitive research over the last 40 years has proven this "Mind-Body connection", through thestudy of psychoneuroimmunology, or how the thoughts and emotions influence our physical health.  Using a gentle, supportive approach, Dr. Beil can help you recognize how your life stresses may be contributing to your current dis-ease