Principles & Theory
For over 3,000 years people have been utilizing the healing techniques of Chinese medicine. Based on the principle of balance & harmonious flow, Chinese medicine seeks to optimize health and resolve illness within an individual’s body, mind and spirit.
Yin & Yang
The fundamental duality of the Universe is represented by this well known symbol. In Chinese medicine, all things can be seen as a balance of Yin and Yang. Yin, the darker principle, represents stillness, quiet, and restoration, whereas Yang, the lighter principle, represents action, growth, and healing. For true wholeness to be achieved, a balance of Yin and Yang must exist. This balance is always moving, flowing from one into another just as night flows into day flows into night. This is represented by the curved imagery in the yin-yang symbol. Lastly, at their core each of these principles are born from the seed of the other, as depicted by the two dots of Yin-within-Yang and Yang-within-Yin.
Five Phases
Based on the cycles of Nature, the Five Phases (Wu Xing, also called Five Elements) represent the flow of matter and energy from one form into another. All things in Nature, and in the Human Being, are represented by their manifesting components of these phases. This includes physical aspects of different body systems, as well as mental-emotional aspects of each person. By investigating how these components are balanced (or imbalanced) and searching for ways to correct and restore these disharmonies, true holistic health can be achieved.
Three Treasures
Along with qi (energy), the Three Treasures consist of jing (essence) and shen (spirit). Practices such as meditation, breathwork, and qigong cultivate the Three Treasures to improve health and increase vitality.
Yun Tai Guan (Cloud Platform Temple), Sichuan, China, 2004