The Therapeutic Order
Naturopathic doctors have a vast set of skills and techniques at their disposal to address disease and enhance health & healing. In order to navigate the clinical decision making process, naturopathic doctors follow a "Therapeutic Order" or hierarchy of interventions that guides their decision-making process.
Developed by Pamela Snider, ND & Jared Zeff, ND, LAc 1999
Beginning at the simplest and most healing levels, naturopathic doctors work with patients to first build the foundations of health and support the inherent healing processes of the body. Once these are established, gentle and more specific remedies can be used to address unresolved symptoms. It is only after all of these other steps have been addressed that suppressive or invasive interventions such as pharmaceutical or surgical methods are considered, usually in conjunction with a medical doctor. However, by utilizing the hierarchy of the Therapeutic Order, such "high force" interventions are often not required and a more natural method of healing can be used.