Interviews with Dr. Beil
Below are Video and Audio interviews with Dr. Beil about various health topics.
Click on the links to hear.
Hour-long interview with Dr. Fran Storch N.D. on her weekly radio show “Radio Naturopath”, about the science behind the Healing Power of Nature. Recorded and broadcast live from the campus of UCONN in Storrs, CT
Radio Naturopath Interview w/ Fran Storch ND (APRIL 18th, 2019)
Brief radio interview where we talk about the physical and mental benefits of being outside as well as Earth Day and National ParkRx Day.
Five-to-Thrive Live Podcast (September 19, 2018) -- Click on Image
In this podcast interview with respected naturopathic pioneer Dr. Lise Alschuler, Dr. Beil discusses how “The Healing Power of Nature” is used in everyday and healthcare settings to improve healthy, vitality, and well-being.
The Healing Power of Nature (Oct 19, 2017)
This is a public presentation given at Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville, NC on the physical and mental health benefits of being in natural environmental settings.

Dr. Kurt Beil interview on Health & Nature research
In this radio interview, conducted in May 2015, Dr. Beil discusses his post-doctoral research on the physical and mental health benefits of contact with the natural world. This work primarily focused on the ability of Nature to restore fatigue and reduce stress via the concept of biophilia, the inherent human affinity with other living things.
ND Update Podcast (July 15, 2014) -- Click on image
In this podcast interview from 2014 on ND Update, Dr. Beil discusses his work with Nature-Based Therapies and their relationship to the naturopathic profession, and how they can be used to improve health and address disease

Dr. Kurt Beil speaking about Urban Green Space for Public Health
In September 2011, Dr. Beil presented at the Healthy By Nature Forum in Vancouver, BC Canada. This interview after the forum shares his work linking connection with Nature to public health in contemporary urban spaces.

This video is from a talk on “Holistic Aspects of Self-Care” given October 30th, 2018 to the annual member meeting of WESPAC, Westchester's (NY) social justice and advocacy organization.